My own ramblings...
Published on January 10, 2009 By M-Post In Life Journals

Frustration is a powerful thing.  It's all I feel right now. 

Certain situations have made it more so even if I understand them... the fact that I'm leaving for a long time very soon, and just that I hate to leave the one I love behind... I'm strait up frustrated.

I wish I knew how to take it better.  Knowing that I leave soon is bad enough but I'm scared I'm alianating some of those who love me while it happens... lack of communication is probably the key.  I just have tried with so many people yet apparently seeing my name on the caller ID is reason enough for a lot of people not to answer.

I've had a lot going on the last month or so and I wish I had someone on the phone who would listen.  Apparently though all my friends are too busy with their own lives to be able to trouble themselves with mine.  I can't blame them it just frustrates me to no end when I really have no outlet to get things off my chest.  I really dont' need anyone who cares in truth I just need someone to listen though I'm mostly too shy about things that are going on to spill the whole truth and just go with it...

I think I'm just mainly frustrated with myself...



on Jan 10, 2009

I feel your pain. Frustration is a pretty good description of my whole damn life right now. At least we're not alone in it.

on Jan 10, 2009

Keep trucking MM.  Best we can do is keep our heads up and hope for the best and that we can resolve things. 

I do read your blogs and feel for ya.

on Jan 10, 2009

Best we can do is keep our heads up and hope for the best and that we can resolve things.

Yep, we can just hope the universe see's fit to work things out as best as they can be worked out.

Honestly I am totally exhausted from the frustration, worry, and concern. I've reached that point where I just don't care what happens. Seems easier that way.

on Jan 10, 2009

It happens my good man.  Just remember there are people out here who respect you and wish for the best for you.

I'd kill for a delivery guy who knew how to back up a truck down a peir!!  LoL

I saw a guy a few days ago delivering a missle of all things down a peir.  He had to go to the back of it and it took him literally 40 minutes to do so.. I swear i could have done it faster even having to learn how to shift a truck.. LoL

on Jan 10, 2009

It happens my good man.  Just remember there are people out here who respect you and wish for the best for you.

I'd kill for a delivery guy who knew how to back up a truck down a peir!!  LoL

I saw a guy a few days ago delivering a missle of all things down a peir.  He had to go to the back of it and it took him literally 40 minutes to do so.. I swear i could have done it faster even having to learn how to shift a truck.. LoL

I've hauled missles and probably will again. As far as this guy's backing,  I won't judge as I wasn't there. Backing a truck is the single hardest skill a trucker learn, and it's never the same twice. Perhaps there was something about it that made it difficult, perhaps not. I've seen some who never really learn the skill correctly and can't back to save their lives, and sometimes even the best of us just have a bad day.

I happen to be very good at backing and even I have some days where it just doesn't go right. It happens. The job is much harder and requires far more skill than most people realize.

on Jan 12, 2009

You do have a thankless job. I know it is hard, but please know that many of us do understand and thank you.